+90 332 345 30 05 
General features
  • Automatically tapes the cardboard boxes under and over the top without any touch,
  • There is a belt mechanism at the bottom,
  • There is a band mechanism at the top,
  • It automatically closes the top covers of the cardboard boxes with a pneumatic piston without touching and then makes the upper banding.

Application Videos

Maximum-Minimum Filling Compresor
Average Electricity Consumption Capacity
Precision Products
Electrical Connection Maximum Air Consumption
Net Tunnel Dimension Paste Time Setting
Bonding System Operating temperature
Heater Power Air Needy
Dimensions Carton Slave Sizes
Control System Air pressure
  • safety cage; metal painted protection cage
  • safety cage; fiber glass mica protection cage
  • bottom or top band mechanism
  • 5 cm tape mechanism
  • 7 cm tape mechanism
  • machine introduction idler motorless conveyor,
  • machine introduction idler motorized conveyor,
  • machine output idler motorless conveyor,
  • machine output idler motorized conveyor,
Our machines